Floral Jumpsuit and Top Set!

For this jumpsuit I used the McCall's M7223 pattern (view D), which is a very cute jumpsuit and dress pattern that has an attached overlay to give the illusion of separates while really being one piece. But instead of following the instructions and doing that, I wanted to have actual separates so only made the underlayer of the bodice and made an Inari Tshirt in the same fabric to go with it! I also adjusted the legs to be wider and shorter for a culottes vibe.

Adam and I went down to the beach just before sunset to take pictures (I carried my shoes :P) so I have a lot of pictures for this post because it was so pretty out!

Yay pants!! I shortened the pants by about 10 inches so they would hit mid-calf and added 5 inches in width to the front and back pattern pieces at the hem, tapering up to nothing at the waist.

I took a couple pictures of just the jumpsuit, which I think also looks lovely on it's own. I had enough fabric to make a little self-belt to help sinch in the waist a little more. I think if I were to make this pattern again I would nip in the waist a little more, there is a lot of ease built in there that isn't super flattering on me.

Those pockets though!! They are really deep, I can fit my cell phone in not problem which is so useful :):)

Close up of pocket, belt and bust dart. And my goosebumpy arm since it was actually pretty chilly outside :P

Back view! I didn't have a long enough zipper in my stash for a back zip so instead of going to the fabricstore to get a new one, I put a shorter zipper in the side seam and, after realising I couldn't get the dang thing over my head, added a button on the shoulder. I could probably do a sway back adjustment on these, something I'm noticing in a lot of my makes is that extra bit of fabric pooling in my lower back. I'll have to try it some day but I'm also worried about the "over-fitting" issue many home-sewers run into, I don't want to be adjusting things so much that I ruin the intended look of a garment. We will see.

Mermaid pose? I'm so good at modeling :P

Some close ups and mannequin shots! Also the envelope of the M7223 pattern and the line drawings.
And these are photos from when I wore to work for Me Made May!

Thanks for reading!!
