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Weeks 2, 3, and 4 of Me Made May

Because consistent blogging is hard I didn't get around to posting a summary of each week individually like I did for week one but here is a quick rundown on the rest of the month in one go, even though they were all posted on Instagram :)

Week 2 - Striped Cardigan (self drafted) and Gold flecked t-shirt (Old pattern I can't find online :( ...) I actually blogged about this outfit earlier!

Metallic space jacket! As of yet unblogged but it is coming soon!

Week 3 - For this week I was on a road trip with my Boyf and his mom so photos were trickier to get. Here I am in my Colette Sobretto t-shirt in the back seat of the car. It was also freezing outside so I wasn't about to be photographed in a t-shirt with the wind whipping around! Welcome to Newfoundland in "spring".

Wore my most favourite outerwear make - Grainline Studio Tamarack Jacket.

Week 4 - back home, back to work. Wearing a peplum top that I made by combining a basic dress bodice with a ciclre

My final Me Made outfit of the month was a new make - a sheer tunic version of McCalls M7094

McCalls M7094 sheer top - Kate Sews





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